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Finding The Backpack That Truly Suits Your Lifestyle

Updated: Apr 16, 2021

It's that age old question. Which Backpack suits my lifestyle?!

If you're reading this that means that like us, you are in the process of looking for a backpack that suits your lifestyle.

A backpack can become your best companion for wherever you go

Why is it a big deal?

Having the right backpack to carry your belongings is definitely important.

For example I used to use a single backpack without compartments to carry my laptop, camera, lenses, waterbottles, phone / laptopcharger and some other things. Why? just for the ase of use and also multifunctional backpacks were either too expensive for my budget or just did not look "cool" enough.

But after a few trips abroad to do some videography assignments I quickly realized that I needed a backpack that had the compartments I needed to store my stuff. Because I would risk damage or scratches to my camera, lenses and laptops. But I didn't want to buy a camera bag nor did I want a laptopbag. I just wanted a backpack that would fit all those things in without the risk of damage, that would be affordable and also stylish. Not a backpack that would scream " hey that's a backpacker he just came from the mountains" or that looked too formal. I wanted to have a backpack that would adjust to my daily plans no matter how spontaneous these plans were.

And that's also something you should consider. Don't just get a backpack because it's a backpack. Choose your backpack based the simplest daily routine like going to school, office or do groceries for example.

Also the material plays a huge role. For example is the material weather proof, water repellent or not suited for outdoors?

Is it padded on the inside and how are the compartments and pockets?

A backpack can become your best companion for wherever you go. Otherwise one of the other options is to have a designated camera bag, a designated laptop bag and a designated hiking bag.

But ideally it should be a combination of those three!

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